Zeus Sensor Chart Reading

What is the meaning of life? Do our lives have a mission or purpose? Can we seize life’s opportunities when they arise? Does a celestial clock govern our lives?  These are questions that we all struggle with and seek answers to. Through the centuries there have been many forms of divination that have helped individuals to learn about their true nature and guide their steps through life. One of the most ancient and accurate systems is the Chinese astrology system of Zi Wei Dou Shu.

The Zeus Sensor is based on this ancient Chinese system. Its main component is the Life Chart, akin to a road map and weather forecast combined, that helps you to discover virtually everything you need to know about yourself. The information is derived from over 100 points in the celestial sky known as “stars” and their locations during your exact moment of birth. As a result, the Zeus Sensor is a complex and detailed system of interpretation that allows us to view the blueprint of our lives by accurately describing our past, present and future.

Unlike other systems based on Chinese astrology, the interpretations within the Zeus Sensor have been updated to fit our modern lifestyle. All the stars feature English names and descriptions, with the fourteen Primary Stars adopting the names of correlating deities in the Greek Pantheon. The modern world is taken into account when using this ancient Chinese system, therefore the exact moment of one’s birth is calculated using the concept of True Solar Time before converting one’s exact birth time to the Chinese Lunar Calendar equivalent. Our lives are influenced in every way by the Five Elements Theory therefore it is heavily incorporated in the Zeus Sensor system. To aid in the understanding of our core natural instincts this system portrays them as prehistoric animals.

By analyzing the stars not only can you better understand your personality, but also relationships can be predicted and specific life events can be forecasted. Understanding the Five Elements Theory can also help improve your life balance. When utilizing the wisdom of the Zeus Sensor you can positively transform every aspect of your life.